Monday, November 29, 2010

A Painting A Day - Girls Gone Wild!

I don't know quite what to name these girls. When I started my first thought was Black Friday and the little hens are running to hit the stores early....but I have no reference to stores in the now they're just busy little hens running around, wildly, like hens do. I added the little cape, the purses, and coins aflying just for fun. It's not like I don't have 10 other things to be doing but these chicks just would not stop talking until I finished them. Sheesh...... oh.....and look..... they had a pedicure before they went out. They're SO funny!

It's fun to try a challenge - I didn't know that I could even draw a chicken until one of my sisters asked me to do a rooster. They're a little whimsical, a little funny sort of cartoony bit of fun. I think I'm leaning toward "Girls Gone Wild." What do you think?

The piece is 7 x 12 inches and will need to have a mat custom cut before framing.  More later.   ~K

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